How Ellie Goulding Achieved Her Toned Abs and Cut-Out Top Look

Have you ever wondered how Ellie Goulding maintains her toned abs and effortlessly rocks those cut-out tops? Look no further, because we’re breaking down the singer’s fitness routine and fashion choices to give you all the secrets behind her enviable physique. From intense workouts to stylish outfits, discover how Ellie has achieved her signature look and find inspiration for your own health and style journey. Get ready to feel motivated and empowered by this ultimate guide to achieving a fit body and fashionable wardrobe!

Introduction to Ellie Goulding’s Fitness Journey

Ellie Goulding’s fitness journey is one that has been years in the making. The British singer-songwriter has always been active, participating in sports like horse riding and running growing up. However, it wasn’t until she started preparing for her role in the movie “The First Time” that she began to focus on her health and fitness more seriously.

Since then, Ellie has made major changes to her diet and workout routine, all of which have helped her achieve the toned abs and cut-out top look she’s now known for. Here’s a closer look at how Ellie Goulding achieved her enviable physique:


When it comes to her diet, Ellie Goulding is very mindful of what she puts into her body. She starts her day with a protein-packed breakfast and makes sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins throughout the day. She also avoids processed foods and sugary beverages, opting instead for water or green tea.

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Ellie Goulding’s workout routine is one that is both intense and varied. She typically begins her day with a cardio session, followed by strength training or Pilates later on. In addition to working out regularly, Ellie also makes sure to get plenty of rest and recovery time in order to avoid injury and keep her energy levels up.

Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding

Her Exercise Regimen

To achieve her toned abs and cut-out top look, Ellie Goulding followed a strict exercise regimen. She started with cardio exercises to get her heart rate up and then moved on to weight training. She worked out five times a week, for an hour each day.

Her cardio routine consisted of running on the treadmill, cycling, and rowing. For weight training, she did a lot of core work, such as crunches and sit-ups. She also did some strength-training exercises, like push-ups and squats.

In addition to her regular workout routine, Ellie Goulding also made sure to eat healthy. She ate plenty of lean protein, vegetables, and fruits. She avoided processed foods and sugary drinks. By following these simple steps, Ellie Goulding was able to achieve her toned abs and cut-out top look.

Diet Plan

Ellie Goulding’s diet plan is simple but effective. She starts her day with a protein shake or smoothie, then has eggs for breakfast. For lunch, she’ll have a salad or soup, and for dinner she’ll have fish or chicken with vegetables. She snacks on fruit and nuts throughout the day.

This diet is high in protein and healthy fats, which help to keep Ellie feeling full and satisfied. It’s also low in carbs, which helps Ellie to maintain her slim figure. This diet plan is easy to follow and it’s something that you can stick to long-term.

Supplements and Vitamins She Uses

Ellie Goulding’s abs and cut-out top look is the result of both her dedication to fitness and her use of supplements and vitamins. For her workout routine, she relies on a combination of cardio, strength training, and Pilates. In addition to working out, Goulding also takes supplements and vitamins that help her stay toned and healthy.

Some of the supplements she uses include whey protein powder, green tea extract, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and calcium. These supplements help her body recover from workouts, build muscle, burn fat, and maintain strong bones. In addition to taking these supplements, Goulding also makes sure to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Motivation and Mindset Techniques She Employs

When it comes to getting in shape and achieving her toned abs and cut-out top look, Ellie Goulding is no stranger to hard work and dedication. In addition to working out regularly, the singer also follows a healthy diet and makes sure to get plenty of sleep.

But what really keeps her motivated and on track is her positive mindset. “I always try to remind myself how good it feels to be healthy and strong,” she says. “Every time I work out or make a healthy choice, I think about how it’s making me feel better both physically and mentally.”

Goulding also uses visualisation techniques to help her stay focused on her goals. “I close my eyes and picture myself exactly where I want to be,” she explains. “For me, that’s onstage performing for a huge crowd with lots of energy – and looking and feeling my best.”

ByVisualizing herself in peak condition, Goulding gives herself the mental boost neededto push through any workout – no matter how tough it gets. And that’s definitely oneof the keys to her success!

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How to Achieve the Cut-Out Top Look and Get Toned Abs Like Ellie Goulding

Ellie Goulding is known for her toned abs and her affinity for cut-out tops. So how does she achieve this look?

First, Ellie Goulding stays fit by working out regularly. She often posts workout videos on her Instagram account, which inspire her fans to get active. In addition to working out, Ellie Goulding also watches what she eats and maintains a healthy diet.

Second, Ellie Goulding has great genetics. She comes from a family of athletes, so she was born with a predisposition for having a toned body.

Third, Ellie Goulding is disciplined when it comes to her appearance. She makes sure to always look her best, whether she’s on the red carpet or just running errands. This means that she puts in the extra effort to make sure her abs are always looking toned and she wears clothes that show them off.

If you want to achieve the cut-out top look and get toned abs like Ellie Goulding, then follow these tips: stay fit by working out regularly and watching what you eat, take advantage of great genetics if you have them, and be disciplined in your appearance.


To achieve Ellie Goulding’s toned abs and cut-out top look, you need to put in the hard work of eating clean, training consistently and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. It is also important to remember that everyone has their own way of reaching their goals, so it is best to find a balance that works for you. Lastly, don’t forget to take breaks from time to time; after all, even the most successful athletes have days off!

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